Help Mrs. Deborah
For the past three years, Mrs. Deborah and her young child have called a waterlogged house their home. Every day, they wade through murky waters just to get by. The house, in a perpetually flooded area, is more of a hazard than a haven. The water nearly reaches knee level, making everyday life a struggle. When our team first visited, we had to put on boots to navigate the conditions—it was clear that no one should have to live this way.
Mrs. Deborah’s situation is a big reminder of the challenges faced by too many in our communities. Her story is one of endurance, but it’s also a cry for help.
Watch a video of Mrs. Deborah’s house
At RebuildXAfrica, we believe that no one should live in such conditions. With your support, we can change this. Together, we can rebuild Mrs. Deborah’s home, raising it above the floodwaters, and giving her and her child a safe, dry place to live. This is more than just a house—it’s a foundation for a better life, free from the constant fear of flooding and its dangers. Or we can secure a better place for her to live in.
Your donations have the power to turn this story around. By contributing to Mrs. Deborah’s rebuild, you’re not just offering a temporary fix—you’re providing a lasting solution that will impact her and her child’s future.
Together, we can make a difference. Let’s give Mrs. Deborah the safe, secure home she deserves. Thank you for being a part of this mission to rebuild lives, one home at a time.